.:Everyday Ordinary:.

It's about my life, my journey as well as the ups and downs of it.


Name: Muhamad Hafiz
D.O.B: 21 Aug 1991
Age: 18
Country: Singapore

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


[ Ben ]
[ Braden ]
[ Cheryl ]
[ Castillo ]
[ Daryl ]
[ Doreen ]
[ Ebenzer ]
[ Ee Xuan ]
[ Hakim ]
[ Haris ]
[ Hanisah ]
[ Izzwan ]
[ Impulse Efc ]
[ Jeff ]
[ Jeevan ]
[ Jason ]
[ Jordan ]
[ My friendster ]
[ Manton ]
[ Michelle ]
[ Navin ]
[ Pliscilla ]
[ Quek ]
[ Rin ]
[ Ridhwan ]
[ Ruwan ]
[ Sean ]
[ Shenn ]
[ Sheng Wei ]
[ Suanne ]
[ Tania ]
[ Wei Ling ]



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Layout By: Dreamwalker
Special Thanks to: Blogskins and Blogger

Sunday, October 11, 2009 : from beginning to now

hi there! it's been quite boring since i've stopped working. I've been spending on food and pool games recently. I thought I could do better, saving up more. But I cant start saving this week since I'm going to Malaysia with my bros this Tuesday. I planned to buy more clothes and a new bag. Well, yesterday we played at kallang cage and I could say I finally kicked a ball after 2 months. It's not really that weird, just that I hit the woodwork 3 times. And another 3 for today's morning training. Right now, I'm sort of stoning at home, just finished watching winter sonata. 1 more episode to go!

I think I've made up my mind. I'm going to go for a check up this wednesday. My eye is no longer reddish, but it's really pain when there's sunlight. And now, I can feel the ulcer thing again in my eye. I realised I shouldn't come for today's soccer cos the sun is really really bright. :(


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